# of book read so far this year: 21
Title: Nineteen Minutes
Author: Jodi Picoult
Year Published: 2007
Rating (1-5): 5
Date Finished: 3/17/08
Genre: contemporary fiction
# of pages: 455
Number in Series: ~~~~~
Where did the book come from: I checked it out from the library
Why I read it: I've really enjoyed the books I've read so far by this author, and I'd been wanting to read this one.
Blurb (story line): Peter Hougton was a Jr in high school, and had been bullied by other students since he started Kindergarten. The bullies, were from the popular crowd, and seemed to pick on Peter, because he wasn't like them. Peter never seemed to be able to get anyone to listen to him or to help him put an end to the bullying. Finally, on March 6th, 2007, he went into school and shot and killer 10 students, and wounded several others. The book was about his life growing up, before the school shooting, as well as what went on at the trial, and the outcome of the trial.
My personal thoughts and comments: I can not stand people who think they're "above" everyone else, so parts of this story struck a nerve with me. I was not popular in highschool, but I wasn't bullied either. And I don't remember seeing or hearing about anyone who was bullied. And people who are highschool age, want so desperately to fit in and be liked by the "in crowd" even if it as the expense of others. I really felt for Peter....popular people tend to think they're better than everyone else, and this story was a great example of how they sometimes act, and how they sometimes seek out people who they think are less than them, and different than them. The ending was a bit surprising. Of course, Josie didn't "remember" until it was convenient for her that she had in fact, shot Matt herself, and Peter hadn't. I really couldn't stand Matt....he was too cocky and conceited for my taste. Josie wasn't really any better.....she just was desperate to be popular.
This was a very good story, and I really think that all high school class (English, perhaps?) should read this book. It took forever to read, not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because it was so intense that I found I could only read a short amount, then I'd have to stop so I could digest that information.
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