I decided to read the books in Karen Kingsbury's Forever Faithful Series out of order. I was so taken with the family in the first book, that the second book just didn't sound that interesting to me, so I skipped ahead to the third book, figuring that I would want to go back and read the second book once I was finished. And I was right! The third book, focused on Hannah and Matt. Hannah and Matt had just met at the end of Waiting For Morning, Matt was Hannah's lawyer in the trial against Brian Wesley. They have seen married, and currently live on the beach in Southern California with Hannah's daughter, Jenny. Their close friends, Tanner and Jade, live close by with their 13 year old son, Tyler. Tanner and Matt were partners at a law firm that specialized in religious rights. Both families are going through multiple struggles during the book. Jade is diagnosed with brain cancer, and is currently undergoing treatment for that. Meanwhile, after having a miscarriage, she gets pregnant again, and this time gives birth to a little girl, Madison Jade, 8 weeks early. Shortly after the birth, she undergoes a very risky surgery to remove her tumor. No one knows whether this will be successful or not, they simply must rely on the power of prayer. Through some miracle, the surgery is successful and later tests show absolutely no signs that there was ever a tumor.
Hannah and Matt are ready to add to their family. They decide to adopt a little girl, Grace and are waiting for the 6 month period to be up, to finalize the adoption, when the social worker calls and informs them that Grace's grandmother has shown up and wants Grace to live with her. They give her back, despite their devastated feelings. Then, a short while later, Hannah is volunteering at the hospital when a lady who has overdosed on drugs brings her 6 week old son to the hospital, so she can get help. The mom dies, and there is no next of kin. So Hannah and Matt end up adopting the baby, whose name is Kody Matthew. Then, right around the time of Jade's surgery, Grace's grandma decides to give Grace back to them so that her real mom will never be able to find her and put her in any more danger. Grandma feels this is the best situation involved, and once again this is an example of the many miracles that happen in this book.
I am now anxious to go back and read the second book. I know that book mostly centers around Tanner and Jade, but now that I know them I'm more interested to hear about their history. And I don't think the fact that I've already read the next book will give away too many spoilers for me. Once again, Karen Kingsbury did NOT disappoint!
I finished this book on 4/28/2009