Title: Amazing Grace
Author:Danielle Steel
Year Published: 2007
Rating (1-10): 10
Date Finished: 1/9/07
Genre: Romance
# of pages: 336
Number in Series: --------
Where did the book come from: I bought it ON SALE for 50% OFF!!!!! At Borders the day after Thanksgiving
Why I read it: Danielle Steel is one of my favorite authors and this is her brand new book.....also it looked really good
Blurb (story line): A horrible earthquake hits San Francisco. Four people meet and become Great friends. Sarah a mom of two, and married to Seth, who she finds out committed serious fraud through the hedge fund. Maggie, a nun, who's trying to figure out where she wants to be in life. Melanie, a popular singer who's 20, and who's trying to spread her wings and get out from under her mom's tight grasp. And Everett, a photographer and a reporter for a magazine.
My personal thoughts and comments: I loved this book. I remember thinking "I'm loving this book already" when I was only on page 4. I also remember certain clues leading toward Seth's secret, which led me to wonder if something was actually going to happen to them. I immediately thought he was a bit cocky, but wasn't expecting anything like this. I sure felt sorry for their two children. I thought Maggie was a bit of a prude, but I was so happy to see her finally leave the convent and marry Everett. I know I definitely would've been disappointed if she had decided to stay in the convent. I think I liked Melanie the best. I thought her mom was too controlling and pushy, and her first boyfriend seemed like a Jerk. I was so happy to see her get with Tom. I wish Danielle Steel would've included an Epilogue which would've told how they got married and talked about their future. I think the thing that most impressed me about Tom (Melanie's boyfriend) was that he didn't care who she was, or that she had money, he just loved her for her personality.
I can't wait to read Danielle Steel's 2nd newest book, Bungalow 2, in the near future.
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