# of book read so far this year: 18
Title: Honor Thyself
Author: Danielle Steel
Year Published: 2008
Rating (1-5): 5
Date Finished: 3/28/08
Genre: Romance
# of pages: 323
Number in Series: ~~~~~
Where did the book come from: I checked it out from the library
Why I read it: I LOVE Danielle Steel and I read all of her books!
Blurb (story line): Carole, a famous movie star, trip to Paris to find answers to questions about her past. While there she is caught in a terrorist attack. She lives, but loses her memory, so she has to rely on her best friend Stevie, her kids, Anthony and Chloe, and her Ex-Husband Jason to remember everything. Her lover from Paris, Mattieu comes to see her, and wants to see if they can rekindle their relationship. Carole's memory starts slowly coming back, and soon she is able to remember most everything. She agrees to give her relationship with Matthieu another chance too. He'll come to live with her in Los Angeles for a few months, then she'll go to Paris to be with him, and they'll go back and forth to see how everything goes.
My personal thoughts and comments: I really liked this story....I didn't really like Chloe, I thought she was too needy. And I didn't really care for Matthieu. I hate people that think they can get what they want just because of who they are. I would've much rather seen Carole go back to Jason.
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