I have always been a huge fan of Danielle Steel; she was one of the first "adult" authors that I read (Mary Higgins Clark being the other). This book was just one more to add to my list of favorites. Victoria has struggled with her weight for her entire life, and unfortunately, her parents don't make it any easier, in fact they make it harder. Her dad makes fun of her any chance he gets and basically tells her she's been a huge disappointment to them right from the moment she was born, because 1) she wasn't a boy and 2) she was born with her great-grandmother's build (which was on the big side) and also her nose, and her mom never defends her to him. As Victoria grows up, this affects her in many ways. It doesn't help that when Victoria is seven years old, her mom gives birth to her little sister Gracie. Victoria loves Gracie to pieces, but she can't help notice how Gracie is "one of them" and she (Victoria) is treated like an outsider more and more as time goes on. As Victoria grows up, she learns to ignore her fathers hurtful comments, but at the same time struggles with her weight She finally meets a guy named Collin who loves her for HER, not what she looks like. He is sort of a misfit in his family too, and the two of them quickly find a special connection. Victoria's family, especially her dad, is shocked that she has found someone so good looking. Her dad would always tell her that she's too fat, and her mom would always tell her that she's too smart, both of them implying that looks are EVERYTHING. Meanwhile, Gracie ends up marrying someone that is just like her father. Victoria does everything she can to change Gracie's mind, but soon realizes that she has to let Gracie live her own life, and make her own mistakes. Victoria must also let go so she can live HER OWN life with Collin, the job she loves, and also her new body image/diet/exercise regimen.
I really loved this book, it was definitely one of my favorite Danielle Steel books. I stayed up until 2am this morning finishing this book, and to me, any book that keeps me awake until 2am autom atically goes on my favorites. I could definitely relate to Victoria on some level. While I wasn't overweight my entire life, I did become overweight as an adult, and reading this book, made me start to think about some of my own exercise/diet/weight loss goals. AND, once again it proved to me that there ARE men who will see women for who they are NOT what they look like. I think Danielle covered issue that alot of women struggle with, and it was a nice change from her usual books where they fall in love right away. I finished the book feeling really happy for Victoria. I spent most of the book with my jaw dropped, appalled at some of the things her dad said to her. I think if that were me, I'd curl into a ball and cry. I don't know how she was able to take that for so long. I was glad she got away from them when she did.
After I finished the book, I found a clip in youtube where Danielle Steel is discussing this book. She says "The message in big girl is that you don't have to look like everyone else, you don't have to be on the cover of Vogue to be happy, meet a great guy, have a nice life, and have self-esteem. I think it's about succeeding and prevailing and feeling good about yourself for who you are". This is exactly how I felt when I finished the book. I think I was able to relate to Victoria because she was a very "real" person. Danielle also mentioned that alot of books are about characters who are gorgeous, lead the perfect lives, have the perfect boyfriend. And Victoria was just the opposite. Though she did end up with the perfect guy, she wasn't gorgeous, perfect, and definitely had some issues with herself that most women do, therefore, very relatable. Normally I do read books to ESCAPE from reality, so it doesn't matter whether the characters are imperfect, but it is always nice when there's that one character that I can relate to.
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