Dylan Creed, the Middle Creed Brother, returns to Stillwater Springs, along with his 2 year old daughter Bonnie. He finds Bonnie abandoned in his truck left in an alley late one night, and resolves to have permanent custody of her. He gets back together with his old girlfriend, Kristy, the town librarian. Kristy is dealing with alot in this book because she discovers there are two bodies in sugarfoots grave. The drifter that her daddy killed when he broke into their house, and the body of Ellie Clarkston. Later in the book, it is revealed that Frieda Turlow witnessed Sheriff book killing the drifter, and Frieda herself killed Ellie Clarkston. The book ends with Dylan and Kristy getting married, and Dylan and Logan forming a partnership to buy the old Madison Place.
My thoughts:
I didn't like this book as much as Logan's story. I loved Dylan and Kristy's storyline and loved hearing more about Logan and Briana's life. I am anxious to see what happens with Tyler. And if Kristy is really pregnant like she suspects.
Finished on 3/16/2009
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