Angel's Peak--
Angel's peak centered around the story of Sean Riordan and Franci. They dated several years ago, but broke up after a huge fight. Franci desperately wanted marriage and a family, and that was the last thing Sean wanted. He thought a family would hold him back from enjoying life, and he preferred to give his life to the Army. Right after they broke up, Franci discovered she was pregnant with Sean's child- a baby girl. However, she does not tell him because she doesn't want him to marry her out of obligation. Sean doesn't find out until 3 1/2 years later when he runs into Franci at a bar, and then manages to track her down at her house. After introducing Sean to their daughter, Franci realizes how much she really does love Sean and what an amazing father she is. And they get married.
Meanwhile, Noah and Ellie, who were featured in Forbidden Falls, also get married. They also buy this really run down house, and the day after their wedding, the pulled up at the new house to discover the community had come together and was helping them clean up the place. Both Noah and Ellie were new to the town, so this act of kindness by their new friends was definitely touching to them and made them feel like they belonged there.
Shelby and Luke also announce they are expecting their lst child.
Out of the first 3, Shelter Mountain was definitely my favorite, I can't remember which was my favorite out of the second 3, and I had THOUGHT Forbidden Falls was my favorite out of the current 3, but I think Angel's Peak may now be my favorite! I LOVE the Riordan family...I definitely can't get enough of them. I see so many more stories for future books....Maureen and George, Aiden (although he'll be covered in next month's book--Moonlight Road), the other two brothers-Colin and Patrick.
One of the things that I noticed, especially in this book was that Robyn Carr definitely has a way with words. I like how she words alot of things, just general expressions, that make me want to burst out laughing. I was even reading at work and several times wanted to burst out laughing. There were also a few moments that brought tears to my eyes. I feel that any book that can bring out that many different emotions is amazing.
I loved this storyline...particular reading about Rosie, and her newfound relationship with her dad, grandma, and uncles. And my favorite thing about these books is the amount of detail Robyn goes into when describing a place. I especially love when she describes the various houses being built.
finished on 1/26/2010