When I was younger, I was a huge fan of The Brady Bunch. I can remember watching the show every afternoon during the summer. I was curious to find out more about Maureen's life. I actually checked out the audiobook version of this, which is also significant (to me). This also is continuing my current interest in memoirs and autobiographies. I really enjoyed listening to this, and had no idea Maureen had been through so much. I really felt for her, and at some points my mouth just hung open in surprise and awe. I sure wish I could email her and tell her how strong I think she is. She did mention some things that went on behind the scenes of The Brady Bunch, which I found interesting, since I was a fan of the show, but I think what I found more interesting was all the issues that her family dealt with, and how she came out of that. Maureen seemed to hold alot of the burdens herself, in addition to her own struggles, and I couldn't believe how well she dealt with everything, and how she felt years later. I'm not sure how I would've dealt with some of those issues!
Date Finished 6/21/2009
Book #36 for the year (first audiobook!)
1 comment:
I also enjoyed The Brady Bunch show~ thanks for posting the review of this book, it sounds very interesting!
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