Author: Thomas Kinkade
Year Published: 2004
Rating (1-10): 9
Date Finished: 11/21/2007
Genre: Inspirational fiction
# of pages: 298
Number in Series: 5
Where did the book come from: Checked it out from the library
Why I read it: It was recommended to me by Peg from my Friends_Through_book_reading group, and ever since reading the first books, I've been hooked on this series
Blurb (story line): Main things that happen in this book include Lynn coming to Cape Light trying . She is pregnant and trying to escape an abusive husband. She doesn't tell anyone her true identity and when she thinks they've found her, she runs away...Luckily Reverend James, another newcomer, finds her and is able to bring her back just in time. Dan and Emily get married and invite the entire town of Cape Light to attend their wedding. Sam and Jessica finally get pregnant again, after having Jessica has a miscarriage. Shortly after, they decide to become foster parents to Darrell an 11 year old boy who was sent to New Horizons center.
My personal thoughts and comments: I really enjoyed this book just as much as the the other books in this series. I will definitely be sad when I'm done reading the two books I have left. Since I read this book and the next book out of order, I was still anxious to find out who Leigh's baby was, I thought it might have been the baby that Emily found in the manger in the next book, but it wasn't. In this case, even though I read the books out of order, there were still plenty of surprises.
The most surprising was on Emily's wedding day. Lillian gave Emily away during the ceremony.
"Who gives this woman away to be married?" Reverend Ben asked.
"I do" Her mother said firmly. She turned to face Emily and Emily saw her mother's chin quiver. Her mother touched her shoulder then leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "Be happy, dear. You've earned it" she said quietly.
Then she took Emily's hand and gave it to Dan. "Take good care of her. She's a Jewel, you know."
I was shocked to see this coming from Lillian, of all people. This was one of the rare times she actually showed affection toward anyone.
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