# of book read so far this MONTH: 8
Title: Life On the Refrigerator Door
Author: Alice Kuipers
Year Published: 2007
Rating (1-10): DEFINITELY a 10!!!!!
Date Finished: 11/20/07
Genre: Comtemporary Fiction
# of pages: 240
Number in Series: not part of series
Where did the book come from: I have had this book on hold for a couple months and was at the library yesterday looking at the new books and THERE IT WAS
Why I read it: This book was recommended to me by a friend in one of the online book/reading groups I belong to.
Blurb (story line): This is a story written in the form of notes passed between Mom and Daughter (Claire). Mom has just been diagnosed with Breast cancer, and she is also the single mom of teenager Claire, who is a typical teenager dealing with school, friends, new boyfriend.
My personal thoughts and comments: I really enjoyed reading this book. I think I finished in about two hours...I laughed several times. The ending was sad, but I thought the author did a great job expressing the thoughts/feelings of a teenager as well as the mom who was going through cancer treatments. I thought this was a very clever idea and will definitely give this to my mom to read.
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