I will say that it did take me a little bit to get into this book, but that is partly because I haven't had much reading time this week. But once I got started, there was NO stopping me....I read during every break and at lunchtime at work, after work when I came home, and before bed. Anyway, here's my review.....The Forgetful Bride was quite entertaining.....I kinda thought Cait was a bit self-centered, but I thought Joe was absolutely hilarious and was touched by how far he went to show Cait how he felt. Paul Seemed stuck up and I'd much rather have a fun-loving boyfriend like Joe. The part with Paul and Lindy was kinda predictable though....I expected that from the first time Lindy seemed to avoid Cait. But oh well. Cait found her better match anyway. When Christmas Comes.... I got a big kick out of this story...I think it would be fun to trade houses with someone like they did. I don't blame Heather for wanting to do her own thing, but I did not like Elijah. I am glad she came to her senses and got back with Ben. And I got a big kick out of Charlie and Ray too. I only wish Ray and Emily could've had a baby too- or even better, could've ADOPTED a baby. My mom is actually from Washington- Wenatchee to be exact, so I think I have actually been to Leavenworth before. I'll have to read my mom the description and ask her if that fits the description of leavenworth. I'm always asking her how far the towns in Debbie's books are from where she lived.
Now, I'm moving onto Glad Tidings. I'm having a great time doing all this Christmas reading.....I can't believe how many books I've read in such a short time.......and also how many books I still have left to read....I'm sure I'll have to save some for next year though...because come January I think I'll be ready to move on. But it's not even December yet so I still have PLENTY of time.
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