This is the way I feel! I find new books to read, buy books, and check them out from the library faster than I can read them. With all the books I have on my shelfari shelf, I should NEVER be without a book to read for as long as I live. I will probably not even get to read all 3,000 + of them. Oh well, I can at least try. I really need to finish my current book so I can move on. And I want to start an ebook, and continue to have an ebook and a paperback going at the same time. That has worked well in the pass.
Ok, I am way behind. In an attempt to catch up, here are the books I have read recently (since reading The Summer Hideaway)
House Rules by Jodi Picoult- I really liked this book, and found myself thinking about the characters for days after I finished. The only thing I remember not liking was the ending. I thought the ending was too abrupt.
Take Three by Karen Kingsbury
I Just Want You To Know: Letters to my kids on love, faith and Family by Kate Gosselin
Despite what others may say, I like Kate Gosselin. I don't necessarily like the way she treated her ex-husband at times, but I really do think her heart is in the right place, and she only wants the best for her children, and will do anything to give them the best. This book was very heartwarming.
Home In Carolina by Sherryl Woods
Sweet Tea At Sunrise by Sherryl Woods
Still the One by Robin Wells- this was a new to me author. I found out about this book through one of my online book groups. I really enjoyed it! I would like to read more by this author. Maybe even a sequel!
Honeysuckle Summer by Sherryl Woods
Even Now and Ever After by Karen Kingsbury- This is a 2 book series. I had started the first book once or twice and couldn't get into it, so I put it down. I started this time, and was sucked right in. I really don't know what took me so long to read these. I would definitely like to see this series be made into a movie.
Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery- this was the first in a new series. I LOVED Josh, and was especially intrigued by Ethan. Can't wait to read the next book.
The House On Olive Street by Robyn Carr- this was another book that I had tried to read before, but put down because I couldn't get into it. When I found out that Robyn updated and re-released it, I decided to give it another try. I'm so glad I did! I loved it! My favorite character was Barbara Ann.
Missing Max by Karen Young- I found out about this book from a lady in my online book group. I heard the storyline, and could definitely relate, so I waited quite awhile for this book to come out. It's about a 16 year old girl who loses baby half-brother...then her relationship with her stepmom deteriorates as well as the relationship between dad and stepmom. I could definitely relate to the family dynamics of this story (the blended family/stepparent). Though I couldn't imagine losing one of my siblings.
Take Four by Karen Kingsbury I'm so sad to see this series end. I really want to find out what happens with Andi, as well as Luke and Regan and their newly adopted baby. I really didn't care for Brandon Paul. And CANNOT wait to read Unlocked when it comes out in the fall! I'm definitely excited to read the Bailey Flanigan series.
And I'm currently reading Crush On You by Christie Ridgway and enjoying it so far. I have a whole slew of books to read after I finish this one, so it will be hard to decide what to read next.
Lakeshore Chronicles #7 Set in Avalon, New York Finished 3/6/10 12:30am book #13 for the year
I will say that the beginning was a little drawn out. I was eager to get to th part where George and Charles reunited. This DEFINITELY put a new spin on the series for me...I almost want to go back and read the books again, knowing what I know now. I probably won't since I hate re-reading books. I really liked Ross and Claire and hope to see them in future books...and the scenes toward the end of the book with the family surrounding George in his final days were very heartwarming. I would love to spend my finals days somewhere as peaceful and relaxing as Willow Lake. I also didn't remember that Phillip was George's son. For some reason, I vaguely remember a storyline about that, but I'm not 100% sure. And I was disappointed that Daisy wasn't in this book much. I also couldn't remember who a couple of the other characters were, It's too bad we have to wait a whole year for the next book in the series. But the next book will be about Daisy so it will be worth the wait!
This was book #10 in the Virgin River Series, and like all the other books I've read by Robyn Carr, I was DEFINITELY not disappointed in this one. I really love the Riordan family, and can't wait to hear the other two brothers' stories. This book was based on Aiden Riordan. He goes up to a cabin in the mountains where he finds, a beautiful woman named Erin. Erin is the sister to Marcie, who we met in Virgin River Christmas, when she went to that very same cabin to find her late husband's best friend Ian. Marcie and Ian are now married and are expecting their baby boy, who Marcie gives birth to at the very end of the book. (They name him Heath. Erin has decided that she needs a summer of from the demands of her job as a lawyer, and has the cabin totally refurbished and made liveable. Aiden continues to "visit" Erin at her cabin. However, in the beginning it's hard to tell who is more enthused about these visits, Erin or Aiden. But as time goes on, Aiden and Erin develop feelings for each other, and even manage to survive through the drama that Aiden's ex-wife causes when she turns up. After years of caring for everyone else, Erin finally has someone to care for HER!
Luke and Shelby have their baby as well...also a little boy. They name it Brett Lucas Riordan.
I really liked this story. However, I still liked Forbidden Falls and Angels peak better. I saw a different side of Mel in this book, which was interesting. And, I really liked Erin, which was interesting because I remember when I read Virgin River Christmas, I thought she was really bossy. I can't wait to hear what happens next for them, and my only complaint is that we have to wait 9 whole months to find out!
I have always been a huge fan of Danielle Steel; she was one of the first "adult" authors that I read (Mary Higgins Clark being the other). This book was just one more to add to my list of favorites. Victoria has struggled with her weight for her entire life, and unfortunately, her parents don't make it any easier, in fact they make it harder. Her dad makes fun of her any chance he gets and basically tells her she's been a huge disappointment to them right from the moment she was born, because 1) she wasn't a boy and 2) she was born with her great-grandmother's build (which was on the big side) and also her nose, and her mom never defends her to him. As Victoria grows up, this affects her in many ways. It doesn't help that when Victoria is seven years old, her mom gives birth to her little sister Gracie. Victoria loves Gracie to pieces, but she can't help notice how Gracie is "one of them" and she (Victoria) is treated like an outsider more and more as time goes on. As Victoria grows up, she learns to ignore her fathers hurtful comments, but at the same time struggles with her weight She finally meets a guy named Collin who loves her for HER, not what she looks like. He is sort of a misfit in his family too, and the two of them quickly find a special connection. Victoria's family, especially her dad, is shocked that she has found someone so good looking. Her dad would always tell her that she's too fat, and her mom would always tell her that she's too smart, both of them implying that looks are EVERYTHING. Meanwhile, Gracie ends up marrying someone that is just like her father. Victoria does everything she can to change Gracie's mind, but soon realizes that she has to let Gracie live her own life, and make her own mistakes. Victoria must also let go so she can live HER OWN life with Collin, the job she loves, and also her new body image/diet/exercise regimen.
I really loved this book, it was definitely one of my favorite Danielle Steel books. I stayed up until 2am this morning finishing this book, and to me, any book that keeps me awake until 2am autom atically goes on my favorites. I could definitely relate to Victoria on some level. While I wasn't overweight my entire life, I did become overweight as an adult, and reading this book, made me start to think about some of my own exercise/diet/weight loss goals. AND, once again it proved to me that there ARE men who will see women for who they are NOT what they look like. I think Danielle covered issue that alot of women struggle with, and it was a nice change from her usual books where they fall in love right away. I finished the book feeling really happy for Victoria. I spent most of the book with my jaw dropped, appalled at some of the things her dad said to her. I think if that were me, I'd curl into a ball and cry. I don't know how she was able to take that for so long. I was glad she got away from them when she did.
After I finished the book, I found a clip in youtube where Danielle Steel is discussing this book. She says "The message in big girl is that you don't have to look like everyone else, you don't have to be on the cover of Vogue to be happy, meet a great guy, have a nice life, and have self-esteem. I think it's about succeeding and prevailing and feeling good about yourself for who you are". This is exactly how I felt when I finished the book. I think I was able to relate to Victoria because she was a very "real" person. Danielle also mentioned that alot of books are about characters who are gorgeous, lead the perfect lives, have the perfect boyfriend. And Victoria was just the opposite. Though she did end up with the perfect guy, she wasn't gorgeous, perfect, and definitely had some issues with herself that most women do, therefore, very relatable. Normally I do read books to ESCAPE from reality, so it doesn't matter whether the characters are imperfect, but it is always nice when there's that one character that I can relate to.
Kimberly Fisk was another new author to me. Lake Magic is actually her debut book. I found this book when I was at Borders, and honestly, the cover---AND probably the title-was what urged me to pick it up and read the back cover. I didn't buy it the day I found it, but came home and mentioned it to some of book reading friends, who said they also planned to read it. So, the next time I went back to Borders (to pick up The Next Best Thing, and another book) I got Lake Magic too.
I will say this---I started out giving the book 3 stars, but ended up changing it to 4. I don't know what it was about the beginning..a little too slow going, perhaps? I had a hard time sticking with it. And the beginning VAGUELY reminded me of another book I've read in the past, but soon came enough twists in the story to make it unique. Toward the end I got more "into" the story and became eager to find out what happened. I didn't really care for Jared, and if you read the story it should be obvious as to why. I was able to relate to Jenny on SO MANY different levels, and that usually makes me like a book that much more.
I will also say that, in my opinion, it was quite obvious that this was Kimberly Fisk's debut novel. BUT, I definitely think she has alot of potential to improve with each future book she writes, and would definitely read any of her future books.
This book was set in Washington in a fictional town called Hidden Lake, near the Olympic Mountains.
I finished this book on or around February 10th (again this is what I get for not writing my thoughts AS SOON AS I finish the book!)
I really, really, REALLY liked this book! It was definitely one of my favorites for the year. This was also a NEW author to me! I have her other 4 books on my ebook reader, but haven't read them yet. I LOVED her writing style and loved reading the interaction between the characters. She has such a sarcastic, witty way of writing. The main family was Hungarian, but I loved how the secondary family---I gues you could call them that--was Italian, and loved the descriptions of food, their restuarant, and whatnot. As for the characters there really weren't any that I disliked. I knew all along that Lucy belonged with Ethan, and the only times I wanted to smack Lucy was when she pushed Ethan away. But luckily both came to their senses. Obviously, in real life, a guy wanting to date his dead brother's wife WOULD bother me, but since this is fiction and I do, after all, read to ESCAPE reality, this aspect did not bother me one bit.
I would LOVE to see any book centered around these same characters, perhaps with one of the Black Widows as the main character. I also liked how this story was written in first person...a nice change from the usual books that aren't. And I can't wait to read her other books soon.
(I know this review does not do the book own fault for not writing this entry as soon as I had finished the book, when my emotions were fresh in my mind).
a few other tidbits:
This book was set in a small town in Rhode Island--The Lang family owns a Hungarian Bakery and Ethan's family owns an Italian Restaurant.
I finished this on 1/31/2009 book #6 for the year (not too happy about this total)
I first heard about this author through my friends in the Robyn Carr Chatgroup--one of my many online bookgroups---about a year or so ago.
So I seem to be in a reading slump...I have a TON of books I want to read, I just can't settle on any one of them. I started several, and maybe that was part of my problem...I should just focus on one at a time. is where I'm at
I recently finished two great books. The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins and Lake Magic by Kimberly Fisk. Both were "new to me" authors and I will write in depth reviews soon...hopefully tomorrow.
Books I started but never seemed to finish:
Amazing Gracie by Sherryl Woods It Happened One Night by Lisa Dale Talk Me Down by Victoria Dahl
Library books I have:
Between Husbands and Friends Custody Belonging
All of these are by Nancy Thayer
Lonestar Sanctuary- Colleen Coble True Colors and The The Winter Garden by Kristan Hannah Brava, Valentine by Adriana Trigiani The Nanny Returns by Emma McLaughlin
Morgan Sawyer
These two are by Lori Foster and are the first two books in her Buckhorn Brothers Series.
I really need to get moving if I plan to get all these books read!
I also recently bought Knock Me For A Loop by Heidi Betts- third in her Chicks With Sticks Series. And also Start Me Up by Victoria Dahl--the sequel to Talk Me Down--because none of the libraries had it. I hate when they have the first and third book but NOT the second. Oh well.
Angel's Peak-- Angel's peak centered around the story of Sean Riordan and Franci. They dated several years ago, but broke up after a huge fight. Franci desperately wanted marriage and a family, and that was the last thing Sean wanted. He thought a family would hold him back from enjoying life, and he preferred to give his life to the Army. Right after they broke up, Franci discovered she was pregnant with Sean's child- a baby girl. However, she does not tell him because she doesn't want him to marry her out of obligation. Sean doesn't find out until 3 1/2 years later when he runs into Franci at a bar, and then manages to track her down at her house. After introducing Sean to their daughter, Franci realizes how much she really does love Sean and what an amazing father she is. And they get married. Meanwhile, Noah and Ellie, who were featured in Forbidden Falls, also get married. They also buy this really run down house, and the day after their wedding, the pulled up at the new house to discover the community had come together and was helping them clean up the place. Both Noah and Ellie were new to the town, so this act of kindness by their new friends was definitely touching to them and made them feel like they belonged there. Shelby and Luke also announce they are expecting their lst child. Out of the first 3, Shelter Mountain was definitely my favorite, I can't remember which was my favorite out of the second 3, and I had THOUGHT Forbidden Falls was my favorite out of the current 3, but I think Angel's Peak may now be my favorite! I LOVE the Riordan family...I definitely can't get enough of them. I see so many more stories for future books....Maureen and George, Aiden (although he'll be covered in next month's book--Moonlight Road), the other two brothers-Colin and Patrick. One of the things that I noticed, especially in this book was that Robyn Carr definitely has a way with words. I like how she words alot of things, just general expressions, that make me want to burst out laughing. I was even reading at work and several times wanted to burst out laughing. There were also a few moments that brought tears to my eyes. I feel that any book that can bring out that many different emotions is amazing. I loved this storyline...particular reading about Rosie, and her newfound relationship with her dad, grandma, and uncles. And my favorite thing about these books is the amount of detail Robyn goes into when describing a place. I especially love when she describes the various houses being built.
I really enjoyed this book. I have never been disappointed by a Barbara Delinsky book, and have found her books to be a nice break from the cutesy little romance books that take place in small towns. There's nothing WRONG with those books at all, in fact I love them, however, sometimes its nice to change things up a bit.
Not My Daughter was quite an interesting read. Four highschool seniors and best friends, Lily, Mark Kate, Jessica, and Abby make a pact to become pregnant, much to the shock and dismay of their parents. Lily's mom, Sue, also happens to be the high school principal, who's gone to great lengths to educate and try to prevent teen pregnancy. SHE also became pregnant at the age of seventeen, the same age these girls are now. When word gets out, the families of the girls try to keep the names quiet, as there is alot of opinions and controversy right from the start. This also puts Lily's mom in an awkward position, having her credibility questioned, both as a principal AND as a mother. Some feel that Sue has enabled past mistakes to repeat themselves. This also creates tension among the mothers of the four girls who are also friends, as well as each of the moms and their husbands. Lily's mom is actually not married, but has support from Lily's dad, and instead of struggling in her relationship with her husband, she struggles with her relationship with her mother, after just losing her father.
toward the end of the book, we find out that Lily's baby suffers from a condition called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, in which the kidneys appear outside the abdominal cavity. It is not known whether or not this baby will survive. So, on top of the tension in her position as principal, her anger over Lily's pregnancy to begin with, Susan must also deal with this, and support Lily in dealing with this as well. They are able to do surgery before Lily gives birth, and the baby ends up being fine.
We get to the epilogue and find out that Mary Kate and Jessica have also given birth; Mary Kate has a boy, and Jessica, a girl. We also find out that Susan has married Lily's father, Rick.
Again, I really enjoyed this book. I wanted to strangle the girls on several occasions, yet at the same time, I could relate to how they were feeling. I was alot like them at that age, and when I was in my early 20s, I desperately wanted a child right then. (Now, I have gotten older, I still want children, I just value my freedom and SLEEP too much to have them now). The girls WERE very self-centered to go through with this, but thats really how kids that age are. And, I was honestly surprised to see how the parents reacted, I was surprised to see them so angry, I thought for sure they'd come to terms with this right away and forgive, and coddle their daughters from that point on, but instead they stayed mad. Jessica's mom didn't even want to see her.
At first I didn't think this storyline was very realistic, not so much teen pregnancy (because we all know that is VERY realistic), but more so the idea of the pregnancy pact. In the end of the book, it mentioned a smiliar case in Massachusetts that happened in 2008, where 17 girls made a pact to become pregnant. (I am now trying to google that news story for more information).
I can see how some people who prefer more "realistic" storylines may not like this book, because even though there are a high number of teen pregnancies, pregnancy "pacts" don't seem to happen very often. I, however, read to ESCAPE reality, and it really doesn't matter to me how realistic or unrealistic a book sounds. I read books based on the storyline, and also based on the authors who write them.
This was the first book I read by Lori Wilde, and DEFINITELY not my last. I had seen this in Borders recently, and of course the title caught my eye, but the fact that it was a story about a group of friends was an added bonus! I guess there really wasn't as much about the knitting group as I thought it would be. It was more focused around the Flynn/Jess/Beau triangle (I was on Team Jesse). Flynn and Jesse have been friends since highschool. Beau has also been envious and resentful of Jesse, and even had him arrested on graduation day. 10 years later, Jesse is finally out of prison and learns that Flynn and Beau are engaged. Flynn and Jess meet for the first time in 10 years, and after awhile Flynn realizes it's Jesse that she wants, not Beau.
The Sweethearts are a group of ladies who knit together. Flynn's mom, who passed away a few years ago was also in the group, and the ladies sort of took Flynn under their wing after her mom died. It was also Lynn's dying wish for Flynn to open a yarn store, which she names Lynn's Yarn Barn. It happens to be in the old theater on the floor above Jesse's Motorcycle Shop.
Luckily, this book is first in a series. The next book, the true love Quilting Club comes out in April 2010 and I'm excited to read that one. I hope We will hear more about Flynn and Jesse. She also has a 3rd book coming out around Christmas time about a Cookie Club, and another one about a gardening club coming out later. The other series of hers I want to read is the Wedding Veil Wishes series.
Date Finished: 1/6/2010 12:53am book 2 for the year
Well I see I am behind yet again. Sadly, in 2009 I read only 54 books. In 2008, I read 73 books. I was hoping to surpass that and get to 75. DIDN'T HAPPEN! I blame that fully on FACEBOOK! I wasted way too much of my life on facebook this past year. In 2010 things are going to be very different! I joined a 100 book challenge on Shelfari. I started this on December 26th, so I have until 12/26/10 to read 100 books. I am going to pace myself and try to read 8-9 books each month. I already finished one..Forbidden Falls by Robyn Carr. It was a great book and I can't wait until next month. Robyn introduced some new characters in this book. Ellie, Noah's assistant. She was a former stripper (which I think added some "spice" to the storyline) and she was a CRACKUP! I really hope we'll be seeing more of her in future books, maybe even read about her and Noah's wedding! There was also quite an interesting storyline between Paul and Vanni. Paul's ex-girlfriend got pregnant, and tried to fool Paul into believing the baby was his. Paul found out the truth, after they'd broken up. NOW, the girlfriend was killed and in her Will, she stated that she wanted Paul to raise her daughter. This caused some tension between Paul and Vanni, but they worked it out, and little hannah became part of their family for good.
Right now, I'm reading Lori Wilde's "The Sweethearts Knitting Club". More on that later....SOOOO happy to be out of my reading slump!