# of book read so far this year: 7
Title: Bungalow 2
Author: Danielle Steel
Year Published: 2007
Rating (1-5) 5
Date Finished: 2/11/08
Genre: Romance
# of pages: 338
Number in Series: ~~~~~~
Where did the book come from: library
Why I read it: I always like to read Danielle Steel's new books
Blurb (story line): Tanya Harris lived in Marin with her husband and 3 teenage children. She was a Freelance Writer. She got the opportunity of a lifetime when she was asked to write the script for a movie, something she'd always wanted to do. This required her to move to Los Angeles for 9 months. At first she didn't want to go, but her husband encouraged her to go. While she was in Los Angeles, her husband had an affair with her best friend. That ended up costing them their marriage. She then got together with Douglas, the Producer of the movie. He was very controlling and always had to win in order to be happy, and hated children, which was one of the things that ended their relationship. Then there was Gordan a happy-go-lucky actor who went through girlfriends like they was no tomorrow. Tanya had fallen in love with him when she came home and caught him in bed with another women. After that, she decided she was done with Los Angeles and writing movies and went back home to Marin. It was then that she was asked to write another movie, this time based in San Francisco. She met Phillip and he had two children. They were from England. They soon fell in love also and moved to Florence and at the end of the book, they were going to see where things went with their relationship.
My personal thoughts and comments: Contrary to reviews I had read of this book, I really enjoyed it. I had read that Tanya's husband had an affair with her best friend (thats the last time I read reviews before reading the book!) but I still didn't know what events would lead up to it, so it didn't actually ruin it for me. Personally, I felt that Tanya deserved to go to Los Angeles and do something for herself for a change....although I wasn't quite expecting Peter to have an affair. Because he was after all the one who encouraged her to when she wanted to turn down the offer. I actually felt sorry for him in the beginning until he had his fling. And I hated Alice from the beginning. Megan was a selfish brat who seriously deserved to be smacked. I'm glad she finally came to her seneses though. I didn't like Douglas at all, I loved Max, in fact, at first I thought Tanya was going to get together with Max. I though Gordon was really immature. And I thought Phillip and Tanya were perfect for each other, and personally I wasn't ready for the story to end. I wanted to read about their wedding.
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