# of book read so far this year: 6
Title: Dear Stranger, Dearest Friend
Author: Laney Katz Becker
Year Published: 2000
Rating (1-10): 10
Date Finished: 2/9/08
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
# of pages: 285
Number in Series: ~~~~~
Where did the book come from: I found it while looking for books at the library
Why I read it: It looked entertaining
Blurb (story line): This was about two women-Sue and Lara....Both who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, Lara more recently, and Sue is in remission. Sue helps Lara get through her chemotherapy and treatment. They meet through an online support group. And even though they have never met in person, they form a very strong bond with one another. The books in the form of emails that they write back and forth to each other. They not only talk to each other about Cancer, they also talk about their families and they lives.
My personal thoughts and comments: I really enjoyed this book...I finished it all in one day. I don't have Breast Cancer, and don't know anyone close to me that has Cancer, but I was still able to relate since I belong to several online support groups and realize how valuable it is to have someone who has walked in your shoes.
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