# of book read so far this year: 3
Title: Change of Heart
Author: Tracy Stern
Year Published: 1997
Rating (1-10): 10
Date Finished: 1/25/08
Genre: fiction
# of pages: 249
Number in Series: ~~~~~
Where did the book come from: LIBRARY
Why I read it: I had seen this book before, and actually checked it out, but never read it.....I suddenly had the urge to check it again, and this time I actually read it.
Blurb (story line): Kerry is newly engaged to her boyfriend Brad....they are in a long distance relationship and see each other on holidays and every once in awhile. On on of Brad's trips to see her, he is killed in a bad car accident. Kerry has just found out she's pregnant with their child, but hasn't had a chance to tell Brad yet, because she wanted to tell him in person. Kerry can't decide whether to keep the child or put it up for adoption. She goes to live with her grandmother, who she is really close to, during the pregnancy and after she gives birth. Before she gives birth she has decided to put the baby up for adoption. There is this couple, Chris and Matt, who lives in her grandma's apartment, who have fertility issues and want to adopt Kerry's little boy. The night that Kerry has the baby, she goes to see him in the nursery and suddenly changes her mind and decides she wants to keep him. Chris comes the next morning, thinking she will be picking up her son, only to find out Kerry has changed her mind. Then her grandmother comes and again, talks her out of keeping the baby, and Kerry changes her mind again, and this time Chris and Matt take the baby home. A little while later, Kerry changes her mind again and petitions with the court to stop the adoption. She wins and Chris and Matt must give the baby back to her. However, the day that she goes to their house to pick up the baby, she realizes she really can't take the baby from them, and changes her mind yet again.
Chris and Matt, have a rocky relationship as it is, because of the fertility issues they've been dealing with. They also almost adopted another child, but the birthmother changed her mind in the end, which hurt them deeply. So deeply that Matt didn't even want to go through with this adoption.
My personal thoughts and comments: I liked the story, and the writing style of the author....I will definitely be reading her other books in the near future. I liked Kerry and thought she seemed like a mature person. I did not care for the adoptive couple, especially Chris....I thought she was really selfish, especially when she didn't even consider Matt's feelings about the whole adoption and basically forced him to go along with it. Once she found out Kerry was pregnant and was putting her baby up for adoption, she basically fought her way in and put the idea in Kerrys head that giving her her baby was the right thing to do....rather manipulative in my opinion.
1 comment:
Hi Kelly! I see that you signed up for the First in a Series Challenge. Welcome!!! Do you have a list posted? We'd love to see what you have planned, even though you can change it at any time.
Don't forget to come back and link your review when you are done with a book. This month January linkers have an opportunity to win a book. :) Also, you can link any books that you read in January that are first in a series. You don't have to start in February with your count. It goes for the whole year.
Happy Reading!
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