# of book read so far this year: 10
Title: One Tuesday Morning
Author: Karen Kingsbury
Year Published: 2003
Rating (1-5): 5
Date Finished: 2/21/08
Genre: Fiction
# of pages: 351
Number in Series: 1
Where did the book come from: library
Why I read it: I was looking online at Karen Kingsbury's website and the plot of this book interested me
Blurb (story line): This book was set in the days and months surrounding 9/11. It went back and forth between Jake Bryan, a FDNY Firefighter, who lives nearby with his wife Jaime and 4 year old daughter, Sierra. Also Workaholic Eric Michaels, who lives in Los Angeles with his wife Laura, and son Josh. When the World Trade Center was hit, Eric was on the 64th floor finishing up a business transaction, and Eric was helping in the line of duty. While Eric was trying to get out of the building, he came face to face with Bryan, who was going up to rescue people. It was then that they realized they looked almost identical to each other. The captain of the fire department thought they had found Jake under the fire truck, and he was rushed to the hospital. Jake woke up a few days later, but could not remember anything, including his wife Jamie. The only person he remembered was Sierra. As time went on, he got well enough to go home. Meanwhile, Eric was thought to be dead. As the months went on, people started questioning whether Jake was really Jake. Jamie discovered that the this guy did not have the same blood type as Jake, but the doctors and nurses shrugged her off when she brought it to their attention. Finally, Jake started having flashbacks of getting out of the building, seeing Jake, and seeing the picture of Sierra inside his helmet. He also had a flashback of the white haired guy in the office, which would end up being the turning point in discovering his identity. Finally he saw a commercial on tv for the company he worked for and everything started coming back. Jamie called the company, and figured out who he really was. He went home to Los Angeles to be with his wife and Son. His marriage had been in trouble for quite some time, so he was hoping to work on that as well as work on the relationship he had--or didn't have--with his son.
My personal thoughts and comments: Unlike other books, I really didn't dislike anyone from this book. I did have a feeling that Jake would end up being Eric, but I really wasn't sure. When I read that scene on the stairs where they saw each other, that kind of gave it away, but then other things happened, so I was honestly surprised at the ending. There is a sequel to this book, and I'm eager to read that to find out what happens. This was my first time reading any of Karen Kingsbury's novels, and although I don't normally read Christian Fiction, I am looking forward to reading more of her books.
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