# of book read so far this year: 10
Title: Mending Fences
Author: Sherryl Woods
Year Published: 2007
Rating (1-5): Based on the fact that I was so engrossed in this story within the first hour, and didn't even realize I was already page 75 by then, I'm going to give it a 5
Date Finished: 2/14/08
Genre: Contemporary fiction
# of pages: 387
Number in Series: ~~~~~
Where did the book come from: the store
Why I read it: honestly I picked it up and just from reading the back cover, this story sounded good.
Blurb (story line): The Carters and ' have been best friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood, their backyards face each other. Their children have grown up together and are also best friends. The older children (both boys) of each family are the same age and the Dobbs' daughter, Dani, is two years older than the Carters daughter, Caitlyn. When Evan Carter is in his first year of college, he is accused of raping this girl named Lauren. Dani has kept a horrible secret for a long time, that Evan raped her too when she was 16, a year before he is accused of raping Lauren. During the investigation, Danielle finally talks, and testifies against Evan. During this time, Dani's relationship with Caitlyn and Emily's (Dani's mom) relationship with Marcie (Evan and Caitlyn's mother). At first Marcie does not want to believe her son is capable of such a crime, but eventually realizes everyone is right. This also makes her realize a lot of things about her marriage, and how horribly her husband has treated her all these years. Marcie and her husband end up getting divorced and Marcie and Caitlyn move across town. The Carters and Dobbs' remain friends. Lauren and Dani agree to a Plea Bargian, and Evan pleads guility and is sentenced to 1 year in jail, and years of probation on the condition that he seeks professional help.
My personal thoughts and comments: This was my first book by Sherryl Woods, and within an hour of starting this book, I was so engrossed in the book, I was on page 75 in less than an hour. I did not like Ken (Evan's dad) at all and was so happy that Marcie finally stood up to him in the end. I personally thought they were too lenient on Evan, I thought he should've been sentenced for a lot longer, even with a plea bargain. I am so glad Dani finally spoke up. I personally thought it was kind of sleazy for Emily to get with Grady (the detective in charge of the investigation) as good as they were together. I'm glad that the ending wasn't focused on them. I thought the scene where Dani and Emily were telling Marcie what Evan had done to Dani was a bit fake, I can't see a real person changing their reaction that quickly. Marcie denied everything then 2 seconds later, she believed everything they were telling her. I guess in her heart she knew that it was really true, based on hints earlier in the book. I could tell from early on that Caitlyn believed her brother was guilty.
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